Ancient technology of the seven kingdoms in the earth plane of Lumeria. This technology is encoded in the seven chakra centers in the human body. The centers hold codes and ancient wisdom. The chakras are the seven kingdoms of the human avatar. Morana Tuvata Teaches the seven kingdoms to release energy that is blocking the highest truth, through expansion and knowledge of the seventh plane. This ancient technology is the receptors of receiving from the high octave In the seventh plane and beyond. Morana Tuvata Is the energy that combines all forces of the universe within the godly avatar.
Throw Blanket Details:
• 100% polyester• Blanket size: 50″ × 60″ (127 × 153 cm)• Soft silk touch fabric• Printing on one side• White reverse side• Machine-washable• Hypoallergenic• Flame retardant• Blank product sourced from China